How do you clean and maintain colored contact lenses brown?

Cleaning and maintaining colored contact lenses, including brown ones, is essential to ensure eye health and prolong the life of the lenses.

Here’s a guide on how to clean and maintain colored contact lenses:

1. Wash Your Hands:

  • Before handling your colored contact lenses, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Dry them with a clean, lint-free towel.

2. Use the Right Solution:

  • Choose a contact lens solution recommended by your eye care professional. Avoid using water or saliva, as they may introduce harmful microorganisms to the lenses.

3. Remove the Lenses:

  • Before cleaning, remove the lenses from your eyes following the proper technique for your specific type of lenses.

4. Rinse with Solution:

  • Place the lens on the palm of your hand and apply a few drops of the recommended contact lens solution. Gently rub the lens with your fingertip to remove any debris or deposits.

5. Clean the Lens Case:

  • Rinse your lens case with the contact lens solution, and let it air dry. Never use tap water to clean the lens case.

6. Soak the Lenses:

  • Place the lenses in a clean contact lens case and fill it with fresh contact lens solution. Let the lenses soak for the recommended amount of time (usually overnight).

7. Check for Damage:

  • Before reinserting the lenses, inspect them for any damage, tears, colored contact lenses brown or deposits. If a lens appears damaged, do not use it.

8. Reinsert the Lenses:

  • Use a fresh solution to rinse the lenses before reinserting them into your eyes.

Tips for Colored Contact Lenses:

  1. Handle with Care:
    • Colored contact lenses are often more delicate than regular ones. Handle them with care to avoid tearing or damaging the color layer.
  2. Avoid Makeup Contamination:
    • Put on your makeup after inserting your lenses to prevent makeup particles from getting on the lenses.
  3. Follow Replacement Schedule:
    • Adhere to the recommended replacement schedule for your colored contact lenses. Using them beyond the recommended duration can lead to discomfort and increased risk of eye infections.
  4. Avoid Allergenic Products:
    • Be cautious with eye drops, makeup, and other products that may contain allergens. Choose products labeled as safe for contact lens wearers.
  5. Regular Check-ups:
    • Schedule regular eye exams with your eye care professional to ensure the health of your eyes and the proper fit of your colored contact lenses.

Always follow the specific care instructions provided by your eye care professional and the lens manufacturer. If you experience discomfort, redness, or any issues with your colored contact lenses, consult your eye care professional promptly.